Sustainable Tails

Dog Hydration On Summer Adventures, Cats On The Floor, and Car Sickness In Dogs

Welcome back once again to another edition of Sustainable Tails. We are looking just around the corner to the official start of summer, so we wanted to touch on tips to keep your furry friend hydrated on those summertime adventures. We are also discussing car sickness in dogs, and why do our feline friends love to lay smack dab in the middle of the floor? We hope you enjoy what we have laid out for you this week. Let’s dive in!

Keeping Your Pup Hydrated On Summer Adventures: A Guide For Happy Hikes

Hitting the trails with your furry friend is a fantastic way to bond and enjoy the outdoors. But when the temperature rises, keeping your dog hydrated becomes paramount. Here's how to ensure your pup stays cool, comfortable, and ready to explore:

Water, Glorious Water:

  • Quantity: As a general rule, dogs need 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight, per hour during exercise. However, adjust this based on factors like breed, activity level, and temperature. Short-snouted breeds and heavy exercisers might require more.

  • Frequency: Don't wait until your dog shows signs of thirst. Offer fresh, cool water every 15-20 minutes during exertion, and more frequently in extreme heat. Carry a portable water bottle and bowl specifically designed for dog travel.

Temperature Matters:

  • Hot Days: Walks or hikes during the hottest part of the day (typically 10 am to 4 pm) are best avoided. Opt for early mornings or evenings when temperatures are cooler.

  • Signs of Heatstroke: Be aware of excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, glazed eyes, or vomiting. These can indicate heatstroke, a serious medical emergency. If observed, immediately move your dog to a cool, shaded area, offer water, and seek veterinary attention.

Keeping Cool on the Trail:

  • Plan Your Route: Choose shaded paths or trails with access to water sources like streams (ensure they're safe for drinking).

  • Cooling Gear: A dog cooling vest or bandana can help regulate your pup's body temperature.

  • Take Breaks: Schedule frequent rest stops in cool, shady areas. Allow your dog to lie down and relax to avoid overheating.

  • Hydration Hacks: Consider packing frozen treats or adding ice cubes to your dog's water bowl to keep it cooler for longer.

Your Comfort Matters Too:

Staying hydrated and cool is just as important for you as your dog. Pack plenty of water for yourself, wear breathable clothing, and apply sunscreen. Consider bringing a portable shade canopy for rest stops.

By following these tips, you and your dog can enjoy safe and refreshing outdoor adventures this summer. Remember, a happy pup is a hydrated pup, so prioritize water breaks and keep an eye on the temperature to ensure a fun and healthy exploration together.

Kitty Curiosities

Did you know your cat might be a tiny dreamworld champion? Cats spend a larger portion of their snooze time in REM sleep, the land of dreams. That means compared to us humans, their nights are filled with longer adventures! So next time you see your feline friend twitching paws or muttering in their sleep, imagine the epic chases and feathery battles unfolding in their tiny dream realm. Who knows, maybe they're conquering mountains or scaling curtains in their catnip-fueled dreamscapes!

Why Cats Love To Lie In The Middle Of The Floor

Cats, those enigmatic creatures, have a penchant for perplexing their human companions. One such head-scratcher is their fondness for sprawling out in the most inconvenient locations – particularly the middle of the floor. While it may seem random or even spiteful, this behavior actually stems from a combination of instinct, comfort-seeking, and communication.

Heating Up: Remember a cat's wildcat ancestors? They hailed from warm, arid climates and instinctively sought out sun-drenched areas to regulate their body temperature. This primal urge translates to our homes, making sunbeams on the floor an irresistible heat source. The splayed-out posture maximizes body surface area exposed to the warmth, making it a feline sunbath.

Claiming Their Turf: Cats are territorial creatures, and lying in the middle of the floor can be a subtle way of marking their domain. By leaving their scent on a high-traffic area, they subtly communicate ownership and security. Think of it as a feline property tax – inconvenient, perhaps, but undeniably effective.

Comfort is King (or Queen): Let's face it, hard floors can be surprisingly cool and comfortable, especially on a hot day. The unforgiving surface might seem like torture to us, but for cats, it provides a refreshing contrast to overheated furniture or stuffy carpets. The smooth surface may also be appealing for grooming or scratching, making the floor a multi-purpose relaxation station.

A Communication Tactic: Sometimes, a cat's floor sprawl is a message. Blocking your path might be a playful invitation to engage or a passive-aggressive protest against an empty food bowl. Observe the context – a swishing tail indicates playfulness, while flattened ears or narrowed eyes could signify annoyance.

Decoding the Sprawl: Next time you find your feline friend sprawled across the floor like a furry welcome mat, take a moment to decode the message. It could be a simple sunbath, a territorial claim, or a subtle communication tactic. Understanding these motivations can strengthen the bond between you and your enigmatic companion. After all, a happy cat (and a clear pathway for you) is a win-win situation.

Pet Poem Place

Soft paws on petals, velvet black,

A feline form on gentle track.

No twitching tail, no hunter's gaze,

Just sunlit blooms in a summer daze.

Buttercups gleam, a golden sea,

Where butterflies dance, light and free.

The cat meanders, slow and proud,

Whiskers twitching in the gentle crowd.

A gentle breeze whispers secrets old,

Of pollen dust and stories untold.

The cat dips low, a curious sniff,

Drinking in the floral cliff.

No feathery prey, no urgent chase,

Just peaceful beauty, a floral embrace.

A moment held, a heart at ease,

A cat's contentment in the summer breeze.

Combating Car Sickness In Dogs: Keeping Your Dog Happy On The Road

Hitting the road with your furry friend can be an exciting adventure, but for some dogs, the journey can be a nightmare due to car sickness. Don't let nausea ruin your travel plans! Here are some tips and tricks to keep your pup happy and comfortable on car rides:

Pre-Trip Preparation:

  • Fasting for Fido: Withhold food for at least 2-4 hours before a trip. A full stomach can worsen nausea. Water is still okay, but offer it in small amounts to avoid a sloshy mess.

  • Familiarize Your Pup: Get your dog comfortable with the car even when you're not going anywhere. Start with short rides around the block, gradually increasing the duration as they tolerate it. Offer praise and treats to create positive associations with the car.

  • Create a Cozy Den: Use a crate, carrier, or secured dog bed to provide a safe and familiar space in the car. Line it with a comfortable blanket or favorite toy.

Calming Techniques:

  • Over-the-counter Relief: Talk to your veterinarian about anti-nausea medication or calming supplements suitable for your dog. These can be particularly helpful for longer trips or dogs prone to anxiety.

  • Aromatherapy for Anxious Pups: Consider using calming essential oils like lavender or chamomile in a pet-safe diffuser. The gentle scent can help ease anxiety and promote relaxation.

  • Classical Music for the Win: Studies suggest classical music can have a calming effect on dogs. Create a travel playlist of calming classical tunes to create a serene atmosphere.

Comfort on the Road:

  • Fresh Air is Key: Crack the windows (when safe) to provide fresh air circulation and prevent car sickness from worsening due to stuffiness.

  • Hydration is Essential: Bring water along and offer your dog small sips throughout the trip. This helps prevent dehydration, which can contribute to nausea.

  • Take Breaks for Business: Schedule frequent potty breaks every 1-2 hours to prevent anxiety and allow your dog to stretch their legs. This is a good opportunity to offer a small amount of water and praise calm behavior.

  • Avoid Distracting Stimuli: Don't feed, play with toys, or engage in rough petting during the car ride as these can worsen motion sickness. Focus on calming activities and quiet companionship.

By following these tips and tricks, you can transform car rides from a stressful ordeal to a pleasant adventure for both you and your dog. Remember, a happy pup makes for a happier and more enjoyable journey for everyone!

Just For Fun

Well, that’s a wrap for this week. Please be sure to share this growing community of pet lovers from around the world with your friends and family. We send you an unobtrusive email once a week right to your mailbox. That’s all there is to it! We welcome any and all input from all of our subscribers. Send us topics you’d love to know more about, or just drop a line to say hello. There are exciting things coming as Sustainable Tails grows in popularity!

Sustainable Tails is dedicated to helping you create a harmonious and eco-friendly life for you and your pets. By embracing zero-waste and pet-friendly grooming products and sustainably exploring the outdoors together, you're not only enhancing the well-being of your furry companions but also contributing to a healthier planet.

Thank you for joining us on this weeks adventure. Continue to spread the word on what we are doing here, and always know your comments and participation in our community are welcomed with open paws. We’ll see you right here next week, so continue making sustainable choices and cherishing each and every day with your beloved pets!

Joshua McCarty

Founder, Sustainable Tails

P.S. Have a topic you’d like us to cover in our next newsletter? Share your ideas and questions with us. We’d love to hear from you!

P.P.S. Take a peek over at our partner website for an ever growing list of sustainable and eco-friendly pet supplies and accessories, as well as many other pet friendly products!

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