Sustainable Tails

Heat Stroke And Your Beloved Pup, Outdoor Activities In The Heat, and Sugar

Hello and welcome back to another edition of Sustainable Tails. With the temps heating up this week, we noticed how the weather can affect us and our furry friends. That’s why we are discussing heat stroke in dogs, outdoor activities that you and your dog can do together during a hot spell, and Sugar…So, grab a cool glass of sweet tea or iced coffee and see what we have put together for you this week.

Heat Stroke And Your Beloved Pup

Heat stroke in dogs is a serious condition that can occur when a dog's body temperature rises too high, usually as a result of exposure to high temperatures or excessive physical exertion in hot weather. Dogs are more susceptible to heat stroke than humans because they cannot sweat to cool themselves down; instead, they rely on panting and vasodilation (expanding blood vessels) in their skin to release heat. However, in extreme heat, these mechanisms may not be enough to prevent overheating.

Some signs of heat stroke in dogs include excessive panting, drooling, rapid heartbeat, lethargy, weakness, and in severe cases, collapse or loss of consciousness. It is crucial to act quickly if you suspect your dog is suffering from heat stroke, as it can be life-threatening.

To prevent heat stroke in dogs, it's important to provide plenty of shade and fresh, cool water, especially during hot weather. Avoid leaving your dog in a hot car, as temperatures can quickly rise to dangerous levels. When exercising your dog, do so during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening, and avoid strenuous activities in hot weather.

If your dog shows signs of heat stroke, move them to a cool, shaded area immediately and offer them water to drink. You can also help lower their body temperature by applying cool (not cold) water to their fur and skin, particularly around the head, neck, and groin area. However, it's essential to seek veterinary attention as soon as possible, as heat stroke can lead to organ damage and other serious complications if left untreated.

By being aware of the dangers of heat stroke and taking preventive measures, you can help keep your dog safe and comfortable during hot weather.

Kitty Curiosities

Did you know that a cat's purr might have healing properties? The frequency of a cat's purr, between 25 and 150 Hertz, is within the range that can promote bone density and healing. Some studies suggest that the vibrations from purring can stimulate the healing of bones and tissues. While more research is needed, this fascinating aspect of cats' purring adds to the many mysteries of our feline friends' abilities.

Hot Weather Outdoor Activities For Your Dog And You

When the weather heats up, it's the perfect time to get outdoors and enjoy some fun activities with your dog. Here are five exciting outdoor activities to keep your pup entertained and cool during hot weather:

  1. Paddle boarding: If you live near a body of water, consider taking your dog paddle boarding. Many dogs love being out on the water, and paddle boarding is a great way for them to cool off while enjoying a new adventure. Just be sure to outfit your pup with a life jacket for safety.

  2. Swimming: Swimming is an excellent way for dogs to cool off and get some exercise. Whether you take your dog to a dog-friendly beach, lake, or pool, swimming is a low-impact activity that can help keep your pup cool and entertained on hot days.

  3. Hiking: Find a shaded trail and go for a hike with your dog. Hiking is a great way for both you and your pup to get some exercise while staying cool in the shade of the trees. Just be sure to bring plenty of water for both you and your dog, and watch out for signs of overheating.

  4. Dog-friendly parks: Visit a dog-friendly park in your area for some outdoor fun. Many parks have open grassy areas where your dog can run and play fetch. Look for parks with shady spots or bring a portable canopy to provide relief from the sun.

  5. Outdoor agility course: Set up an outdoor agility course in your backyard using items like cones, tunnels, and jumps. This can be a fun and challenging activity for your dog that helps keep them cool in the shade.

Remember to always bring plenty of water for both you and your dog, and watch for signs of overheating. With these fun outdoor activities, you and your dog can enjoy the summer weather while staying cool and safe.

Pet Poem Place

In a world so big, yet so snug,

I found my home in your gentle hug.

You're the one who's always there,

With a loving touch and tender care.

You're my teacher, my guide,

In you, I always confide.

Your love is like no other,

A bond that will never smother.

On this special day of yours,

I wag my tail and give you paws.

To thank you for all you do,

For being there, so kind and true.

So here's to you, my dearest friend,

On Mother's Day, I'll always send

All my love, from my heart to yours,

You're the best, of that I'm sure.

Sugar - A Real Life Tale Of One Determined Persian Cat

This story takes place back in the 1950’s and spans half a continent, from Anderson, CA all the way to Gage, OK. Sugar was the Woods Family beloved Persian cat, a mild mannered sweetheart by all accounts, who had lived with his family in Anderson, CA over the years. Sugar was a happy cat and was loved by his family, and lived a good life aside from having a hip deformity. His hip deformity was never much of a bother to Sugar, and was only noticeable when he was being petted.

There came a point when Mr. Woods was ready to retire, and his retirement plans would have him move his family all the way to Gage, OK. As much as Sugar mean to the Woods’, they thought the long drive could become uncomfortable to Sugar and his deformed hip. Sugar was also afraid of cars, and as they had loaded him into the car prior to departing Anderson, CA, Sugar had jumped out of the car. So, they decided it was best to have their friendly neighbor in Anderson adopt and care for Sugar for the rest of his life, which they happily did.

The Woods Family had said their goodbyes to Sugar and all they knew in California and made their move to Gage, OK, saddened by not having their beloved furball with them. But, as you may have guessed, this is not quite where the story of Sugar ends. You see, as the Woods were settling into their new life in Oklahoma, a stray cat randomly appeared on their farm one day, 14 months after they left California. They had not adopted another cat since they had left Sugar behind, so they were delighted to have a stray cat take a liking to them.

Although this new addition to their family slightly resembled Sugar in color, it by no means looked like Sugar. It wasn’t until after a few days of hanging out with the Woods Family and being petted one day, that Mrs. Woods discovered that this “stray cat”, who had just appeared out of the blue, had the same hip deformity that their Sugar had. The Woods were shocked, so they had to phone their old neighbors back in California with whom they had left Sugar with.

Their neighbors said that only a few weeks after the Woods’ had left California, Sugar went missing. They had hoped that Sugar would show up again, but he had failed to to do so. Now, everyone was understanding what had actually taken place: Sugar navigated roughly 1500 miles and half of the continent in 14 months. He had navigated many dangers including wilderness, mountains, cities, highways and rivers just to be with his family who he had wanted to stay a part of. This incredible journey is a remarkable reunion story between a furry feline and his human family. The immense power of love, determination, and hope can be taken away from Sugar’s story.

Just For Fun

Well, that’s a wrap for this week. Please be sure to share this growing community of pet lovers from around the world with your friends and family. We send you an unobtrusive email once a week right to your mailbox. That’s all there is to it! We welcome any and all input from all of our subscribers. Send us topics you’d love to know more about, or just drop a line to say hello. There are exciting things coming as Sustainable Tails grows in popularity!

Sustainable Tails is dedicated to helping you create a harmonious and eco-friendly life for you and your pets. By embracing zero-waste and pet-friendly grooming products and sustainably exploring the outdoors together, you're not only enhancing the well-being of your furry companions but also contributing to a healthier planet.

Thank you for joining us on this weeks adventure. Continue to spread the word on what we are doing here, and always know your comments and participation in our community are welcomed with open paws. We’ll see you right here next week, so continue making sustainable choices and cherishing each and every day with your beloved pets!

Joshua McCarty

Founder, Sustainable Tails

P.S. Have a topic you’d like us to cover in our next newsletter? Share your ideas and questions with us. We’d love to hear from you!

P.P.S. Take a peek over at our partner website for an ever growing list of sustainable and eco-friendly pet supplies and accessories, as well as many other pet friendly products!

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